Bible of Rights Socialism – The infertility of CPUSA reformism

Reformist and revisionist tendencies in the communist movement can be found everywhere. One of the most ridiculous types surely is the CPUSA’s “Bill of Rights Socialism”. If the far more recent “MAGA Communism” would not exist, it would be the peak laughingstock. First things first: What is the origin of “Bill of Rights Socialism”? The answer is: An article published in 1990 by the long-term revisionist leader of the CPUSA Gus Hall. The title is “The American Way to Bill

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What is Socialism?

Milton Obote’s goal was socialism as he said on several occasions during his rule. The Common Man’s Charter is his socialist manifesto, though it lacks a concrete definition of what it is. Back then it was not necessary because it was broadly known at the time. Today this is not the case.    Tom Mboya, who was a member of the socialist wing of the KANU, delivered a fitting definition:   “The elements of socialism that serve to characterise the

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Mechanisms that damn reformism to always fail

Foreword: I wrote this essay in December 2016 and edited it a bit. I recommend it to be read by comrades who still have reformist illusions, to see, how senseless it is to still hope in successful reformism in a bourgeois state. 1. “Representative Democracy”: You elect deputies all 4/5 years who are not responsible to you, so it could be the case that you throw your ballot in the box and these who were elected by you say to

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